This is an announcement that is quite usual for the village. Yailyu might be the source of the most famous stereotypes about Siberia – bears on the streets and biting cold. The former is avid – the bears walk around in families and flocks. Low seasons (in terms of pine nuts) bring a lot of bears to fruit gardens. After enjoying the meal, they would casually walk into people's gardens. During such days people try to stay at home and never lock the garden gates – so that the bears won't break the fence.
Although the second myth about Siberia is completely busted in Yailyu. Its name is translated as 'summer place' from the Altai language. Due to warm winds 132 days a year and the location at the lake, this village is the warmest in Altai. It results in giant plants and rich harvests. There you will find plums, grapes, cherries, pears, apples – more than a hundred species of fruits.